As you can imagine, this has been a unique year to have a wedding celebration. My favorite part about 2020 is that these couples did not allow the circumstances to ruin their celebrations. It didn’t matter what type of challenge presented itself; they had a solution.
I had a year of so much positivity. I know you could be reading this and think, ‘does she really mean positivity? Was that a typo?’ It wasn’t a typo. These beautiful women presented themselves with such poise and grace, grace for themselves, and the situation. They adapted and overcame. While stress was always present, so was their positive attitude.
I am always thankful for the couples who chose me to be a part of their celebration, but I am even more humbled this year. I am reminded to have faith in all circumstances. Moving forward, I am so excited for all the exciting moments I am blessed enough to be a part of in 2021! I get to meet so many new people and celebrate their most memorable moments!
I have four peak season wedding dates left in 2021. If you require a Wedding Photographer, be sure to send me a message. I offer so much more than just Wedding Photography; I would love to tell you all about it.